Andrew Kenny – The Head of the Raven
£12.99Release date 23/01/2024
Release date 23/01/2024
Released 24/5/2022
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Release date 27/9/22
“If a debut novel can have such a WOW factor, I am eager to see what Ben will write next.”
“The book is fast paced, captivating and I read it within 24 hours. A really enjoyable book.”
“A fast moving thriller that builds at a steady pace and keeps you guessing as more and more unfolds.
Once you get into it you won’t want to put it down until you find all the answers.”
Release date 28/03/23
‘This is a book for those who seek three-dimensional characters and fine writing as well as the thrill of the chase.’
‘This is a complex novel, meticulously crafted. A slow burn that will hook you in.’
‘Thrilling, chilling and utterly absorbing. Elegantly-written, sublime phrasing and yes, Death In A Time of Conspiracy comes in at a lengthy 420 pages but not one of them is wasted. It took my breath away.’
‘I was captivated by the story from the first page. The plot is well constructed and seeds sown early in the novel grow towards a brilliant final denouement.’
‘It’s sad, it’s a little dark and it builds immensely up to what I can only describe as an impeccable finale.’
‘Definitely don’t judge this book by it’s vagueness, pick it up and be in for a interesting, emotional journey.’
Release date 25/10/22
Released 24.5.22
“This is a great book with a gripping narrative – you won’t be able to put it down!”
“Great read, thoroughly enjoyable…..Very well written with numerous exciting and unexpected twists and turns.”
“Buy this book for yourself and then for your friends! Excited for what comes next for this new author.”
“The plot twists had me soooo shocked I didn’t see it coming, and definitely a page turner I couldn’t put down, Loved how all the different plots all tied up together.”
“Claywood has a wonderful way of slipping in so much added depth to the characters you can’t help but become invested in each of their lives.”
“The ending surprised me and it’s left in a cliffhanger, that I’m desperate to read the sequel.”
Release date 23/5/23
Release date 26/09/2023
‘A real page turner; a gripping story based on medical fact. The poignancy of what happens to Brian and his family is overwhelmingly well described, and the book should be widely read for its storyline, which is so relevant to modern medicine.’
– Professor John Wass, Professor of Endocrinology at Oxford University.
‘Impulses has elements of modern tragedy, moments of revelation, and a tragic change in circumstance.’
– Ronnie Brown, author of Restless Souls
‘Short, sharp chapters relentlessly record each new blow dealt, grabbing the reader’s attention and seducing them into reading another chapter. Every new setback reminds us all that we may be closer to the precipice than we realise.’
– Tony Auffret, author of The Death of a Smoker and Unsavoury Business
Release date 29/04/2025
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Release date 25/02/2025
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Release date 20/08/2024
Released 29/10/2024
‘This uses the historical time-period perfectly and enjoyed how everything worked with the concept from the description. The characters were everything that I wanted and enjoyed how everything worked with them. R R Penfold was able to create a strong story and had that character development that I wanted.’
‘This was a fast paced, interesting mystery with a lot of elements of the supernatural.’
‘Such a good and fantastic read!!! I rated this book 4 stars because I really enjoyed reading it. I recommend everyone to read this book as fast as they can because it’s really good.’
‘I really like this it wasn’t your typical horror type novel. It was great read and kept you uncomfortable ( in a good way) until the end.’